Don't fall into bad skin care and health habits as summer ends

After an active summer, fall often signals a return to a more sedentary and less healthy lifestyle Summer’s last hurrah as kids go back to school brings life back to a more normal rhythm. However, after an active summer, fall often signals a return to a more sedentary and less healthy lifestyle. In addition, while summer and sunscreen go hand in hand, often cooler weather means we forget to protect our skin. As we enter the final days of summer and contemplate changing our clocks back in the fall, don’t fall back into bad skin and health habits.

Top 8 Health & Skin Care Habits for Fall & All Year

Although the end of summer frequently means an end to summer sports and recreation, fall should not signal a time to slow down. There are many things we can do to remain healthy and active when summer ends.

1. Take the stairs and not the elevator/escalator. At work, at the mall, or in an apartment, take the stairs instead of the slow ride. The stairs will give your heart and body a nice workout, and you can add floors slowly as your stamina improves.

2. Don’t sit for too long at a time. If you work at a desk or computer, get up at least once an hours to walk around the office or the floor. Being sedentary is bad for your health.

3. Walk to lunch whenever possible. Don’t take your car or a cab if you can help it. Get out and get some exercise!

4. Keep eating summer salads. Don’t change your diet from lighter summer fare to heavier meat and potatoes in the fall. Keep eating salads, fruits and vegetables and avoid heavy eating.

5. Join a hiking group. Most cities have hiking groups through organizations like like, the YMCA and even Facebook. Find a local hiking group that offers hikes for your level of activity.

Don’t Fall into Bad Skin Care Habits

Summer may be winding down, but the sun is still out, EVERY day, whether you see it or not. On cloudy, rainy, cold days, the sun’s burning and photo-aging rays are still coming through the clouds.

1. Protect yourself all fall and winter. Wear a good, broad spectrum sunscreen all year long. The sun’s rays penetrate clouds even in winter.

2. Don’t be deceived about Vitamin D. Don’t be one of those who deceives himself into thinking that unprotected sun is necessary to get Vitamin D. We absorb the sun’s rays all over our bodies, even through light clothing. We are exposed to the sun in our cars, and sitting near office windows. We are exposed to the sun walking to and from our cars, to our houses, to our mailboxes. We are exposed to plenty of sun every day. If you are concerned about Vitamin D in spite of all the sun exposure you get every day, take a Vitamin D supplement. The sun causes cancer and photo-aging. Protect yourself all year long or suffer the consequences.

3. Don’t forget your hands and lips. We usually apply sunscreen to our faces, arms and legs before going out, but often neglect our lips and hands. Keep your hands and lips youthful and smooth with proper sunscreens.

Take care of your health and skin care all year long through proper eating, exercise and sun protection for a longer, more beautiful life.

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