Tooth Extraction with Dentures in India

Teeth are usually extracted when they have poor prognosis & root canal or other dental treatments are no good options for saving them. This is quite a routine procedure these days & carries low risk of any long term complication. Usually performed under the influence of a local anesthetic, tooth extraction is a painless & uneventful procedure. Dentures are available nowadays in a variety of styles, including partial & full dentures so as to best match individual requirements.

When a tooth has undergone too much damage & is beyond repair, it may be required to be extracted from the socket in bone. For this purpose, there are two main types of tooth extraction procedure.

  • Simple Extraction – This procedure is performed on teeth which can be seen in the mouth. For this operation, the dentist will loosen the tooth with a dental instrument known as an elevator. Subsequently, forceps are used for removal of the tooth.
  • Surgical Extraction – Surgical removal of the tooth is a complicated procedure & is therefore performed only when a tooth has broken off at gumline or when the tooth has not erupted in the mouth. During this procedure, dental surgeons will make an incision in gum for surgical extraction of a broken or impacted wisdom tooth.

Reasons for Tooth Extraction

Teeth are normally extracted for a number of reasons. Some common reasons calling for tooth extraction procedure include decay which has reached deep inside the tooth when the infection has extensively destroyed a large portion of the tooth and/or surrounding bone & when there is insufficient space for all teeth in the mouth. Several dentists also routinely recommend extraction of impacted teeth which have only partially erupted because bacteria can enter around them & cause infection. This infection can eventually become extremely serious by extending into surrounding bone. Impacted teeth often continue to try & break through gum tissue even where there is not enough space in the mouth to accommodate them. Moreover, the continued pressure exerted in an attempt to erupt will end up damaging roots of teeth located nearby. Therefore removal of impacted teeth can often prevent damage & infection to adjacent teeth & bone & thereby save pain which can happen in days to come.

Teeth Extraction Procedures

Dentists will thoroughly review the dental & medical history of the patient before undertaking tooth extraction procedure. They will also take appropriate x-rays prior to the procedure. X-rays are basically meant to reveal shape, length & position of teeth & surrounding bones. Dentists will usually estimate the degree of difficulty in performing the dental extraction procedure from this information & determine whether the case should be referred to an oral surgeon. The area around the tooth will subsequently be anesthetized before tooth extraction procedure. A local anesthetic is normally used for the numbing area of the mouth where the tooth is to be extracted. After anesthetizing the area, the tooth is subsequently loosened with help of an instrument known as an elevator, during a simple tooth extraction procedure. After this, the tooth is extracted with help of dental forceps. During this sitting, the dentist may also smooth & re-contour the underlying bone as well. Following this, the dentist may choose to close the area with help of a stitch.

Recovery Following Tooth Extraction Procedure

It is extremely important for the tooth extraction patient to keep the area clean so as to prevent developing any infection immediately after the procedure. The dentist will ask the patient to gently bite down a dry piece of sterile gauze & which they must keep in place for about 30 – 45 minutes in order to limit bleeding & encourage clotting. Moreover, tooth extraction patients should avoid smoking & vigorously rinsing the mouth or cleaning of teeth at the extraction site for the next 24 hours. However, a certain amount of discomfort & pain is normally expected following extraction of the tooth. Dentists may also recommend painkillers or prescribe one for some patients. Applying an ice pack to cheeks & face for 15 minutes at a time may also help tooth extraction patients after operation. They must also limit strenuous activities & not drink through a straw or consume hot liquids while immediate recovering. Dentists usually suggest gentle rinsing of the mouth with warm salt water on the day after tooth extraction. Discomfort should, however, lessen within 3 – 15 days under normal circumstances after tooth removal. Nevertheless, tooth extraction patients experiencing prolonged bleeding, swelling, pain or fever should immediately call the dentist.

Dentures Following Tooth Extraction

Customized denture replacements are ideal for missing teeth & which can be taken out & put back into the mouth as per convenience. Dentures, however, take a while for the patient to get used to & will never ever feel exactly like natural teeth, but then they are quite natural looking nowadays & also more comfortable than before. Moreover, replacement of missing teeth will improve smile & facial appearance. Facial muscles are found to sag without a support of dentures & thereby make a person look older. Dentures also are helpful in eating & speaking more comfortably.

Types of Dentures

Full & Partial are the two main types of dentures which are available. Dentists usually help patients choose as to which type of denture is most suitable for them based upon whether it is just some or all teeth are going to be replaced. Cost also may be a factor which may determine the requirement of a patient. Full dentures are usually flesh-colored acrylic base fitting over gums. Typically, the base of upper denture covers the roof of the mouth (palate) while lower denture is horseshoe shaped in order to be able to accommodate the tongue. Moreover, dentures are tailor-made in dental laboratories befitting impressions which are taken from the patient’s mouth. It will, however, be the dentist to decide as to which of the following three types of dentures will be most suitable for an individual.

  • Immediate Full Dentures – This type of denture is immediately inserted following removal of the remaining teeth. The dentist would have already taken measurements & made models of the jaw during prior visits for the purpose of making immediate full dentures. The basic benefit of immediate dentures is to never have to be without teeth. However, they will need to be relined several months after being inserted. The reason for this is that the bone supporting teeth will eventually reshape during healing & cause these dentures to become loose.
  • Partial Dentures – This type of dentures rest upon a metallic frame which attaches to the remaining natural teeth. Crowns are also sometimes placed on some natural teeth which serve as anchors for partial dentures. This type of denture offers an excellent alternative to dental bridges.
  • Conventional Full Dentures – This type of denture is placed in mouth after all teeth in mouth have been removed & the tissues have subsequently healed. However, healing may often take several months & during which time the patient may have to go without teeth.

Getting Used to Dentures

People wearing dentures following tooth extraction may feel uncomfortable or awkward for few weeks to month’s time. Speaking & eating after having dentures may also require a little practice. Wearing dentures for many people initially feel loose or bulky while the tongue & muscles of cheeks learn how to properly hold dentures in place. It is common to experience soreness, minor irritation, inadequate room for tongue & excessive flow of saliva for people who have newly put on dentures. However, it would be sensible to see the dentist when a patient is experiencing irritation.

Caring for Dentures

Dentures will need to be rebased, remade or relined because of normal wear & tear over a period of time. Rebasing involves making a newer base while retaining the denture teeth which are presently there. Moreover, mouth also naturally changes shape as people age & cause dentures to loosen so as to irritate gums & make chewing difficult. Therefore, people wearing dentures will have to at least visit the dentist once in a year for an annual checkup.

Measures to be taken for caring of dentures –

  • Stand over a basin of water or folded towel while handling dentures, since they are delicate & may also break in case they are dropped.
  • Never let dentures dry out & never use hot water to wash them as they can warp due to excess heat. It is ideal to put them in normal water or in denture cleansing soaking solution when they are not being worn.
  • Daily brushing of dentures will remove plaque & food deposits. This will also help them from getting stained. Ultrasonic cleaners can also be utilized for additional caring of dentures & not as a replacement for thorough brushing of dentures every day.
  • Brushing palate, tongue & gums every morning with help of soft-bristled brush is recommended prior to inserting dentures. This is meant to help remove plaque & stimulate blood circulation in tissues.
  • Make it a point to see the dentist in case dentures crack, chip, break or become loose. Never try to adjust them on your own as they can hurt in the mouth or get damaged beyond repair.

Affordable Tooth Extraction with Dentures in India

HealthYatra treatment packages are designed to make dental care affordable for international patients. While the cost of healthcare including dental treatments is highly expensive within the developed western world, India offers excellent opportunities for low-cost dental tourism without compromising on the quality of treatment procedures. Overseas patients can avail an exclusive holiday in India alongside their dental treatments & yet will be able to save substantial amounts of money as well. Come to think of it; saving both time & money along with sun, sea & sand to go with affordable tooth extraction with dentures in India could be a great idea.

Package: Tooth Extraction Procedure with Dentures

Costs: 480 USD per tooth

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