कम उम्र के व्यक्ति का मेटाबॉलिज्म पाने के लिए आपका डाइट प्लान क्या है

Many people think that our metabolism begins to slow down as we get older. I read a lot of articles about this happening in the mid 20s or early 30s. This is true, but as our activity level diminishes at that age, our body changes. This change comes through work, children and generally less physical activity.

This is not something that needs to happen. You have the ability to keep your metabolism high by changing certain things in your life. There are many benefits to keeping your metabolism high. You may not gain much weight after the child is born and activity may slow down. You will be able to do more physical activity that you think you cannot do in old age.

A Perfect Example Of This Is Jack Lallen. He opened a public health club in the mid-1930s in Oakland CA. He encouraged nutrition and fitness for the rest of his life, and as an old man, at only one age, he achieved some incredible successes. At age 45, he did 1033 push ups in 23 minutes, something most people can’t do in 2 weeks. 73. per day for 2 weeks. Even at age 70, he was swimming a mile against the handicrafts, hut and strong wind and current, with 70 robots and a few.

The thing is, if you don’t do it, you have to be lazy and gain weight. Here are 5 simple things you can do to give a teenager metabolism.

1. Joint Muscle. Even if you are not muscular and you are older, you can add muscle at any age. One of the best ways to add muscle fast is to do compound exercises that use your biggest muscles. You don’t even need a gym or equipment. If you only do 2 exercises, do ups and squats, you can add muscle and tone it all over your body. When exercising, keep your abs tight and keep them tight. Push ups and squats work all of the big muscles in your body and add and flex the muscles.

2. Practicing in HIIT, Known As High Intensity Interval Training. The HIIT training for you is that it gives you one muscle and one cardio workout at the same time, and has been found to be very effective in burning calories and burning a lot more fat than doing consistent cardio.

Start doing 20 second push ups, then do 20 second squats, then do 20 second jumps, and then repeat. Try getting 10 rounds, a good 10 minutes of full body workout, it will be a good muscle workout and it will make your heart feel better. Try doing this 10 minute workout 3 days a week and you will see the difference right away.

3. About What You Eat. You should eat more protein and eat less carbs. It’s not as easy as it looks on the surface, but it can be done. Breakfast is important to eat high protein and low carbs. Eat eggs with meat, protein shake, etc. Eat a specific breakfast such as donuts, grains and other pastries. Read food labels. Chances are if it was easy to grab and go, then carbs would be high and you should avoid them. Some things are very high in carbs, read the label.

4. Also About What You Eat. As far as digestion is concerned, not all calories are created equal. Food is less processed, it is better for you because your body takes more energy to digest. The same goes for all foods and good foods. Try to think in your mind that this diet is close to natural and that you are consuming more calories. Raw fruits and vegetables are better than cooked. It is better to give them juice than to eat veg.

5. Drink As Much Water As Possible. Keeping your body hydrated properly will help you digest the food you eat. The best way to drink more is to keep the water bottle with you at your desk or wherever you are. Put it on the line of your site, where you can see the most likely direction. The difference in water temperature is also shown. Cold water is good. After drinking ice cold water your body burns more energy to re-heat your core temperature.

These Instructions Are Not Necessarily Easy, But they are simple and do not take much time. Even small changes, such as drinking too much cold water, can help speed up your metabolism. The hardest thing for me is to find breakfast, the easiest thing not all cars have. What works best for me is that I cook a bunch of Sunday eggs, and then every night I ride a couple and put them in the bag, I have some deli ham or turkey pieces in another bag. And it was my lunch on the drive to work. To get used to it, try to do one thing at a time. You may notice that after a few weeks it is not difficult to work in your daily routine and you will immediately, differently, feel better and stronger.

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