Brain Cancer Treatment in India Symptoms Causes and Diagnosis

What is Brain Cancer?

Brain cancer is one of the most common type of cancer, which is caused when the cancer cell (milignant called) are formed in the brain tissue. The cancer cells rapidly multiply to form a tumor that slowly starts to interfere with the brain functions that help in muscle control, memory and other body related functions, sensation etc. The tumor related to brain cancer can either develop in the brain itself or spread from other parts of the body. According to a latest survey, almost 15,320 people die every year due to brain tumor.

Brain Cancer Symptoms

Most brain cancer causing tumors have less or no symptoms, due to which the death toll due to brain cancer is much higher. The safest way to be sure is to diagnose yourself first. Some of the most common symptoms of Brain Cancer are:

  • headaches, especially during the morning hours.
  • feeling of fatigue all the time
  • minor or major seizures
  • clumsiness
  • difficulty in walking
  • altered mental status
  • nausea and vomiting
  • vision abnormalities
  • difficulty in speech
  • emotional and intellectual changes

In some patients, the effect of the symptoms is very gradual which is most likely to be overlooked. In other cases, the patients may experience strokes and in some, behavioral changes may occur.

Risk Factor of Developing Brain Cancer

The risk factors for brain cancer are much less compared to other forms of cancer. According to the latest research, the risk for developing primary brain cancer is less than 1%.

The brain cancer risk factors include the following:

  • Gender – Certain types of cancer like Meningioma are most likely to develop in women and Medulloblastomas are likely to appear in men.
  • Age – Cancer is most likely to occur in people who are more than 65 years of age. This is due to the cell type which matures with age.
  • Body – People with compromised immune system are more likely to develop brain cancer or any other forms of cancer.
  • Genetic Links – Rare types of brain cancer causing diseases such as Von Hippel – Lindan and Li- Franmeni Syndrome are more likely to appear if it runs in the family.
  • Exposure – Sometimes exposing to certain types of chemicals or solvents have a high risk of causing cancer
  • Radiation Treatments – Exposing to radiation therapy especially in young children have a high risk of causing brain cancer.

Diagnosis of Brain Cancer

Some of the most common types of diagnosis for brain cancer are:

  • Neurological Exam – Doctors check your vision, hearing, muscle strength, alertness etc. that are connected to your brain
  • MRI– Detailed study of your head via machines that take pictures of your brain. The picture show abnormal areas such as tumors.
  • CT Scan – X-Rayed images of your head are diagnosed along with other tests.
  • Angiogram – Dye is injected into your blood vessels of your brain, which shows the related problems accordingly.
  • Spinal Tap – A sample of Cerebrospinal fluid is tested.
  • Biopsy – The removal of tissues to look for cancer cells.

Cost of Brain Cancer Treatment in India

Everyone cannot afford to treat brain cancer as it involves a complex procedure with the use of heavy and advanced technology. The cost is much higher compared to other treatments. But the treatment of cancer in India is much less as compared to other countries.

Available Treatment for Brain Cancer in India

Apart from Biopsy, chemotherapy and MRI, there are other types of cancer treatment techniques in India. These include the following:

  • Craniotomy – Type of treatment where the skull bone is removed to expose the brain and the treatment is carried on.
  • Shunts – Small holes are made in the skull and a tube is inserted and a fluid is filled. The tumor cells are removed with the fluid.

Brain cancer is one of those cancer types that can be cured with time and money. With correct treatment you can treat even the toughest type of brain cancer.

Why HealthYatra for Brain Cancer Treatment In India?

HealthYatra aims to achieve high quality of life for all those diagnosed with brain cancer. We make sure to provide the best brain cancer treatment by the leading oncologists and neurosurgeons with economical and transparent services. We assure that all our patients stay in close proximity with the best healthcare services.

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