Positron Emission Tomography Definition

This test makes images that show activity in body tissues. A substance that gives off a tiny amount of radiation is put into your body. This substance goes to the part of you body that is most active. A machine can then detect where that substance is. PET can be done for many body parts, including:

  • Whole body
  • Brain
  • Lungs
  • Breast
  • Heart

পজিট্রন এমিশন টমোগ্রাফি

পরীক্ষার কারণ

A PET scan may be done for a number of reasons, including:

সম্ভাব্য জটিলতা

Complications are rare. If you are planning to have a PET scan, your ডাক্তার একটি তালিকা পর্যালোচনা করবে of possible complications.

Some people have a bad reaction to the contrast dye. The contrast is chemical that improves the details in the pictures. In some people the contrast can cause allergic reactions or kidney problems.

A PET scan does use radiation. You and your doctor will weigh the harms and benefits of this test. A PET scan may not be advised if you are pregnant.

Be sure to discuss these risks with your doctor before the test. Let your doctor know about any allergies or unrelated illnesses you may have.

কি আশা করা যায়

পরীক্ষার আগে

  • Wear comfortable clothes.
  • Do not eat or drink anything, except water, for at least four hours before the scan.
  • Check with your doctor about taking your regular medicines.
  • If you have diabetes, ask the doctor for specific diet recommendations for the test day, since this can affect your results.
  • Tell your doctor if you are or might be pregnant.

পরীক্ষার বর্ণনা

A nurse or technologist will give you a radioactive substance. This may be done through an injection, or in some cases, you will be asked to breathe in a gas. It will travel through your blood to the area of the body being studied. It takes 30-90 minutes for the substance to be absorbed by the tissue. Once the substance has been absorbed, the scan can take place.

You will lie on a table and be moved into a machine that looks like a large, square doughnut. This machine detects and records the energy levels from the substance that was injected earlier. The images are viewed on a computer monitor. The scan lasts about 30-45 minutes. You may be asked to perform specific tasks before or during the test. For example, during a heart PET scan, you may be asked to walk on a treadmill.

পরীক্ষার পর

Drink plenty of fluids to help the radioactive substance pass from your body.

কতক্ষণ এটা লাগবে?

At least two hours

এটা আঘাত করবে?

Except for the pinprick from the injection, a PET scan is a painless procedure. People who are claustrophobic (uncomfortable in closed or tight spaces) may have someanxiety.


The images will show activity levels as different colors or degrees of brightness. A radiologist will review the images and send the results to your doctor. It may take a few days for your doctor to receive the report.

আপনার ডাক্তারকে কল করুন

Call your doctor if you have any unusual symptoms, like a rash, itching, or difficulty breathing. These symptoms may mean that you are having an allergic reaction to the radioactive substance.

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