What Is Meningococcal Disease?

Neisseria meningitidis is a bacteria that can cause infections in the body. One area this bacteria can infect is the meninges. The meninges is the membrane that surrounds the brain and spinal cord. A bacterial infection of the meninges, calledbacterial meningitis, can cause death within hours. This bacteria can also cause infections in the blood.

The disease is usually spread by direct contact with discharge from the mouth or throat of an infected person (eg, kissing).

The disease is most common in:

  • Infants aged less than one year
  • People aged 16-21 years old
  • People with certain حالات طبيه (eg, lack of spleen)
  • College freshmen who live in dorms—increased risk

About 1,200 people in the US develop the disease each year. Approximately 10%-15% of these people die. Another 11%-19% lose their arms or legs, become deaf, have nervous system problems, become intellectual disabled, or suffer seizuresor strokes.

Symptoms of meningitis include:

  • ارتفاع درجة الحرارة
  • الصداع
  • Very stiff, sore neck
  • الغثيان
  • القيء
  • Photophobia (sensitivity to bright lights)
  • Sleepiness
  • Mental confusion

Symptoms in newborn and infants can be hard to notice. These may include:

  • Inactivity
  • Unexplained high fever or low body temperature
  • التهيج
  • القيء
  • Feeding poorly or refusing to eat
  • Tautness or bulging of soft spots between skull bones
  • Difficulty waking

قد يشمل العلاج ما يلي:

  • مضادات حيوية
  • الكورتيكوستيرويدات
  • Fluid replacement

What Is the Meningococcal Vaccine?

There are two meningococcal vaccines available in the US:

  • Meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV4)—given as a shot into the muscle, preferred for people age 55 years or younger
  • Meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine (MPSV4)—given as a shot under the skin, preferred for adults age 56 years or older

Both vaccines are made from parts of the meningococcal bacteria. They do not contain live bacteria.

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Routine Vaccination

The MCV4 vaccine is routinely given to أطفال aged 11-12 years old with a booster dose given at age 16 years.

Three doses are given to teens (11-18 years old) who have HIV:

  • Two doses given two months apart at 11 or 12 years old
  • Booster dose at age 16

Teens who receive the vaccine late follow this schedule:

  • If the first dose is given between 13-15 years old, the booster dose is given between 16-18 years old.
  • If the first dose is given after 16 years old, then the booster dose is not needed.

Vaccination for People at Increased Risk

The following groups of people need to be vaccinated because they have an increased risk of meningitis:

  • College freshmen who live in dorms
  • People who work in labs who may be exposed to meningococcal bacteria
  • Military personnel
  • People who travel to or live in areas where meningococcal disease is common
  • People who have problems with spleen functioning or do not have a spleen
  • People who have a weakened الجهاز المناعي (eg, complement component deficiency)
  • People who have been exposed to meningitis during an outbreak

Young الأطفال الذين تتراوح أعمارهم بين 9-23 months and others who have certain conditions need to be given two doses in order to be fully protected.

People who are at high risk will need a booster dose every five years.

What Are the Risks Associated With the Meningococcal Vaccine?

The meningococcal vaccine, like all vaccines, has the potential to cause serious problems, such as severe allergic reactions. The risk of the vaccine causing serious harm or death is extremely small.

Mild problems associated with the vaccine include redness or pain at the injection site or a fever.

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If you have the following conditions, you should not get the vaccine:

  • Have had a life-threatening allergic reaction to a previous dose of the vaccine or its components
  • Are moderately or severely ill—Wait until you recover before getting the vaccine.
  • Have ever had Guillain-Barre syndrome—Talk to your doctor.

The vaccines may be given to pregnant women. However, the MCV4 vaccine has not been extensively studied in pregnant women. It should be used only if it is clearly needed.

What Other Ways Can Meningococcal Disease Be Prevented Besides Vaccination?

Preventive antibiotics may be given to people in close contact with an infected person, such as:

  • Healthcare workers
  • Family members

Quitting smoking may also والحد من المخاطر of meningococcal disease.

ماذا يحدث في حالة تفشي?

In the event of an outbreak, close contacts of infected people and people at increased risk should get the vaccine. Antibiotics may be recommended for people in close contact.

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