إنقاص الوزن خلال فترة ما قبل انقطاع الطمث

Perimenopausal weight gain is your body’s way of adapting to your changing hormone levels, and the changes that take place in your body that prepare you for the transition to menopause. It can be a challenging time, drowning physically and physically. By making healthy lifestyle changes and balancing your hormones, you can regain your normal weight again. Here are five solutions to getting rid of unwanted weight during perimenopause:

Sleep: Getting enough sleep and having a consistent sleep plan are important when it comes to losing weight. When you lose sleep, it can leave you feeling overwhelmed and unsatisfied. The opposite happens when you are well rested. People who normally sleep well at night tend to lose weight, become less stressed and live a healthier life. Try to go to bed early, reaping all the benefits – indicated by weight loss.

Improve Your Diet: Healthy eating is always important during weight loss. Try fatty foods, which are often found in fruits, vegetables and whole grains. You can add some soy and lean proteins to your diet, too, but be sure to avoid beverages such as caffeine and alcohol (they can cause unwanted symptoms). In addition, improving your diet can help reduce your hot flashes – a bonus!

Exercise: Regular exercise during perimenopause is very important. When your estrogen levels drop due to perimenopause, your abdominal fat builds up and your risk of heart attack increases. Exercise will help you get rid of belly fat and prevent any زيادة الوزن from arising. Squats, push-ups, dips, planks, backlash machines and moderate training are good exercises that help withstanding estrogen levels, strengthen areas and voice problems and strengthen the heart muscle. Short-term training – walking like walking, running and cycling is very important, as it burns a lot of body fat. Include these exercises in your workout routine at least two or three times a week, and then try to exercise for at least 30 minutes.

Reduce Stress: During perimenopusing, hormone levels change, causing dramatic changes in the way you feel, think, and react emotionally. The one hormone that passes through the ringer is the stress hormone, cortisol. If your cortisol levels increase indefinitely, it can cause sleep problems, blood sugar imbalances, and weight gain. When you are depressed, you may tend to focus on eating less, which causes sharp spikes and drops in blood sugar that increase your pressure even more. Some may be prone to overeating when under stress. Whatever the definition, both types of stress management lead to weight gain and unhealthy eating habits. To prevent stress from gaining weight and increase your body fat, try using stress-relieving techniques, such as meditation and yoga. These methods can help promote rest and good health throughout your life. Combined with eating a regular diet, these stress reduction procedures will help you manage your stress during perimenopause, and support you on your weight loss journey.

Balance Your Hormones: Weight gain during perimenopause is closely related to hormones, because your body has a system that regulates hormones. During perimenopause the system is exhausted, causing a loss of hormonal balance. Because of the hormonal imbalance, your body begins to work against you by accumulating more fat, because it needs cells to produce estrogen. As estrogen levels fall and cortisol levels rise, your body, digestion and diet are affected. This is why a healthy hormonal balance is essential during puberty. New York Health and Wellness, located at 450 Mamaroneck Ave, Harrison, NY 10528, offers free consultation for women who want to measure their hormones again with their B3H + programs. These programs aim to help balance three important weight loss hormones – Ghrelin, Leptin and Cortisol – which are key to a quick, easy and lasting weight loss. Contact New York Health and Wellness to learn more.

Only you can control your hormones and change your lifestyle. Take the first step in losing your weight by contacting us with your 1 hour weight loss medical consultation today!

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