
Ebola hemorrhagic fever is a severe infection. It can have a mortality rate of up to 90%. The infection can occur in humans and animals.

का कारण बनता है

Ebola hemorrhagic fever is caused by the Ebola virus. The virus can pass from person to person through blood or other bodily secretions. When these fluids come in contact with skin or mucus membranes the virus can pass and cause the infection. The virus can also pass through contaminated needles.

इबोला रक्तस्रावी बुखार

जोखिम कारक

Travel to areas with known Ebola outbreaks increase your risk of Ebola hemorrhagic fever. Almost all cases have occurred in sub-Saharan Africa. No cases have been reported in the US.

Your chance of Ebola hemmorhagic fever also increases with:

  • Exposure to healthcare settings that has treated a person with Ebola hemorrhagic.
  • Contact with another person who has Ebola hemorrhagic fever.


Symptoms of Ebola may include:

  • बुखार
  • सिरदर्द
  • Joint and muscle aches
  • गला खराब होना
  • कमजोरी
  • दस्त
  • उल्टी करना
  • पेट दर्द
  • खरोंच
  • Red eyes
  • हिचकी
  • Internal and external bleeding

If you have any of these do not assume it is due to Ebola. These लक्षण उत्पन्न हो सकते हैं अन्य, कम गंभीर स्वास्थ्य स्थितियों से।


Your doctor will ask about your symptoms and medical history. A physical exam will be done. If you may have been exposed to the virus and have symptoms and to the virus, your doctor will notify health officials. This will include the local health department and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

To confirm the presence of the virus your doctor may order blood tests. These tests will help identify the virus itself and antibodies to the virus. Antibodies are signs that your body has identified and is fighting the virus.


There is no cure. You will be isolated to prevent the spread of the disease.

Treatment is focused on supporting you while your body fights the infection. Treatment may include:


To help reduce your chance of getting Ebola hemorrhagic fever, take the following steps:

  • Avoid traveling to an area that is experiencing an outbreak.
  • If you are a healthcare worker, wear protective clothing. This includes masks, gloves, gowns, and goggles.
  • Avoid reusing needles.
  • Avoid contact with anyone who may have been exposed to the Ebola virus.


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