विंटर वेस्टलाइन: ट्रिमर टमी चाहते हैं

Desiring a trimmer waistline? You might be surprised to find that probiotics could be the reason for that “spare tire” around your midsection! Read below to find out more:

Hundreds of different bacteria that live in our gut may influence – more than what was once believed – the shape of our waistline.

Fortunately, if this is the case for you (and not just an issue attributed to genetics, for instance) then you’re in luck! Adding probiotics to your diet has the potential to provide very significant (both aesthetically and health-wise) benefits.

According to http://www.webmd.com, “probiotics are bacteria that help maintain the natural balance of organisms (microflora) in the intestines. The normal human digestive tract contains about 400 types of probiotic bacteria that reduce the growth of harmful bacteria and promote a healthy digestive system.”

“Good” bacteria (e.g., lactobacillus) help maintain a healthy balance of bacteria in one’s gut. Many kinds of yogurt found at your local grocery store now contain “good bacteria” that you can incorporate into your daily diet. Unpasteurized sauerkraut also contains lactobacillus, which promotes digestion and keeping a balance of both kinds of bacteria in your body.

According to MayoClinic, findings from numerous studies have shown that “probiotics even appear to improve the body’s immune response.” http://www.mayoclinic.com

Additionally, there are also prebiotics in our bodies. “Prebiotics actually feed probiotics already living in our digestive system, “ according to WEBMD. If you’re a red wine drinker, consider yourself lucky! Red wine contains polyphenols, which are primarily known for their heart-health benefits; however, they also have prebiotic potential.

Many studies have found the direct relationship between probiotics and the size of one’s midsection. If you feel this relationship might be the reason for having trouble whittling your waist, I highly recommend you do your own research and incorporate fiber, probiotics, and such to obtain the stomach you desire! Best of luck!

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