वजन घटाने में जीत हासिल करने के लिए चॉकलेट खाएं

We read a lot of diet studies, mostly consisting of warnings about what not to eat. So when we read about several new studies proclaiming chocolate to be the new wonder food for dieters, we had to share the news immediately (while sipping a cup of hot cocoa, of course). The latest study showed that those who ate chocolate while dieting lost the most weight and kept it off.

The new study involved polling 2,100 men and women about their weight wars. Those who shed the most pounds kept eating their beloved chocolate. Janet Aylott, a nutrition scientist who commissioned the survey, believes that the results show that deprivation leads to diet failure.

“Extensive research has proven that diets centered around food elimination are much more likely to fail,” Janet explained. “The key is to take a more relaxed approach and to have a little of what you like.”

She also cited a study showing that 65 percent of dieters who cut out all treats gain weight rather than lose. And in addition to this study, Harvard researchers discovered that those who eat chocolate extend their lives.

After studying 8,000 men for 65 years, the Harvard team discovered that those who ate moderate amounts of chocolate up to three times a month lived nearly a year longer than those who denied themselves the chocolate cheer.

According to the scientists, the link between lifespan and chocolate results from the antioxidants found in cocoa. They prevent the oxidation of harmful cholesterol while protecting against cancer.

So how much is a moderate amount of chocolate? Sample options include:

  • One or two Hershey’s Miniatures bars
  • Four chocolate kisses
  • One serving of Swiss Miss Hot Cocoa mix

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