प्रत्याशित जोड़ों के लिए सबसे उपजाऊ दिन 11 दिसंबर है

New research postulates the day of December 11 is the most fertile day of the year. Couples trying to have a baby may want to take note of this finding.

It is assumed couples are more amorous in the winter months due to the festivities and New Year’s plans.

While this may be true, others think the seasonal effect (cold weather) may enhance the chances of fertility. It is a fallacy that the sperm quality is higher in cold weather, as studies have found no seasonal variations in sperm quality. Cold weather does not make one fertile.

Infertility can create numerous problems in relationships, including emotional distress causing couples to argue and blame each other. Starting a family is a major decision and once partners agree, the stress of not being able to get pregnant takes a toll.

There are some relationships that cannot withstand the problems associated with infertility, thereby ending the partnership.

Couples having difficulty starting a family, possibly due to not being fertile, are urged to discuss it with their doctors.

Surprising facts about births in the U.S.

  • The most popular day for babies to be born in America is Tuesday, with Sunday being the slowest day.
  • The most popular month for babies to make their entrance into this world is September, followed with August, June and July.

The gestation period for a baby is approximately 40 weeks, which would make September 16 the date most babies are born.

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