
A fracture is a break in any bone in the body. Fractures are usually caused by trauma, such as falls, twists, blows, or collisions. There are different kinds of fracture:

  • The bone may be fractured but stable (simple fracture).
  • Bone fragments may be sticking through the skin (open).

Fractures may also be described as:

  • Chip (avulsion fracture)—A small piece of bone is broken away from the main bone.
  • Compression—The bone is compressed together (such as, vertebrae).
  • Comminuted—The bone is in pieces.
  • Greenstick—One side of the bone is broken and the other side is bent but not broken.
  • Intra-articular—The joint is affected.
  • Transverse—The bone is broken in a horizontal line that is perpendicular to the surface of the bone cortex.
  • Oblique—The bone is broken in a line that is less than a 90° angle to the surface of the bone cortex.
  • Spiral—The line of the fracture forms a spiral.
  • Stress—A thin fracture line occurs due to overuse rather than a single traumatic incident.



Fractures are caused by trauma to the bone. Trauma includes:

  • জলপ্রপাত
  • টুইস্ট
  • হাতাহাতি
  • সংঘর্ষ

Trauma is a physical force applied to the bone that the bone cannot withstand. Stronger bones can withstand more physical force than weaker bones.

ঝুঁকির কারণ

A risk factor is something that increases your chance of getting a disease or condition. Risk factors for a fracture include:

  • অগ্রসর বয়স
  • Postmenopause
  • পেশী ভর হ্রাস
  • Osteoporosis—decreased bone mass which weakens bones (can affect men and women)
  • Certain congenital bone conditions (rare)
  • Taking glitazones (medication used to treat type 2 diabetes)
  • Accidents or violence


Symptoms of a fracture include:

  • Pain, often severe (primary symptom)
  • Instability of the area around the break
  • Inability to use the limb or affected area normally (may be full or partial restriction in movement)
  • Swelling or bruising caused by the bleeding from the bone and surrounding tissues
  • Numbness caused by damage to a nearby nerve (rare)
  • Fainting or even shock (rare–only in severe trauma)

রোগ নির্ণয়

The doctor will ask about your symptoms and how you injured yourself. The doctor will examine the injured area.

পরীক্ষা অন্তর্ভুক্ত হতে পারে:

  • X-rays—to look for a break in the bone
  • CT scan—uses computerized x-rays to make pictures of structures inside the body
  • MRI scan—uses a strong magnetic field and radio waves to make pictures of structures inside the body
  • Bone scan—typically used to look for stress fractures


চিকিত্সা জড়িত:

  • Putting the pieces of bone together (may require anesthesia and/or surgery)
  • হাড় নিজেই নিরাময় করার সময় টুকরা একসাথে রাখা

Devices that can hold a bone in place while it heals include:

  • একটি কাস্ট (অস্ত্রোপচারের সাথে বা ছাড়া ব্যবহার করা যেতে পারে)
  • Metal pins across the bone with a frame holding them outside the bone (requires surgery)
  • স্ক্রু সহ একটি ধাতব প্লেট (সার্জারি প্রয়োজন)
  • একা স্ক্রু (অস্ত্রোপচার প্রয়োজন)
  • হাড়ের মাঝখানে একটি রড (অস্ত্রোপচার প্রয়োজন)

Healing and Rehabilitation

Healing time ranges from three weeks for a simple finger fracture to many months for a complicated fracture of a long bone. All fractures require rehabilitation exercises to regain muscle strength and joint motion.

সম্ভাব্য জটিলতা

  • Delayed union—It takes longer than usual to heal, but does heal.
  • Nonunion—The bone does not heal and needs some special treatment.
  • Infection—This is more likely to happen after an open fracture or surgery.
  • Nerve or artery damage—This usually occurs as a result of severe trauma.
  • Compartment syndrome—Severe swelling in the spaces of the limbs that causes damage to body tissues.
  • Late arthritis—This may happen if the surface of a joint is badly damaged.

If you are diagnosed with a fracture, follow your doctor’s instructions.


You can reduce your chances of getting a fracture:

  • Avoid putting yourself at risk for an accident or other trauma to the bone.
  • ক্যালসিয়াম এবং ভিটামিন ডি সমৃদ্ধ খাবার খান।
  • Do weight-bearing exercise regularly to build and maintain strong bones.
  • Do strengthening exercises regularly to build strong muscles and prevent falls.
  • Patients with osteoporosis may benefit from bisphosphonate medications.
উপরে স্ক্রোল করুন