
Peripheral vascular ultrasound is a test used to evaluate the health of blood vessels. Ultrasound uses sound waves to capture images of structures inside the body. It is similar to the use of sonar in submarines.

أسباب الاختبار

The test may be used to investigate the cause of the following symptoms:

  • الألم
  • تورم
  • Increased warmth or coolness in the extremity
  • Difficulty finding pulses
  • انتفاخ الأوردة

It may also be used to diagnose the cause or severity of:

  • Poor circulation due to blocked or narrowed blood vessels
  • Blood clots
  • Poor blood vessel function

الموجات فوق الصوتية للأوعية الدموية المحيطية

The procedure is also used to evaluate the results of vascular surgery.

المضاعفات المحتملة

There are no major complications associated with this test.

ما يمكن توقعه

قبل الاختبار

لا حاجة لتحضيرات خاصة لهذا الاختبار.

وصف الاختبار

Gel will be placed on the skin of your arm or leg over the area being tested.

There are two types of ultrasound:

One is a simple one-dimensional beam that detects movement by making a swishing sound. A hand-held device is pushed against your skin in the area being tested. Sound waves are sent into the body and bounce back to the machine. This is used to detect blood flow in arteries that may be narrowed. It may also be used to check for blood flow in veins that the doctor is concerned about.

The other technique makes a two-dimensional image. The ultrasound machine has a hand-held instrument called a transducer, which looks like a microphone or wand. The transducer is pushed against your skin where the gel was applied. The transducer sends sound waves into your body. The waves bounce off structures in the body and echo back to the transducer. The echoes are converted to images that are shown on a screen. The doctor examines the images on the screen. He may make a photograph of them as well.

After the Test

You will be able to leave after the test is done.

كم من الوقت سيستغرق ؟

30-60 minutes

هل ستسبب الالم؟



The results will let your doctor know if you need further testing or treatment.

استدعاء الطبيب

Call your doctor if you have any questions about the test, your condition, or your test results.

إذا كنت تعتقد أن لديك حالة طارئة ، فاتصل بالمساعدة الطبية على الفور.

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