What Is Herpes Zoster?

Herpes zoster, also known as shingles, is a viral infection. It is caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox in children. After a child has recovered from chickenpox, the virus lies inactive in the body. The virus can be activated later in life, typically at age 50 years and older. It returns as shingles.

The virus returns for unknown reasons. Some causes may include stress or a weakened الجهاز المناعي. Typically, it returns one time with only one episode of symptoms. However, more than one episode can occur. It is a common illness in the US.

The virus that causes shingles can be spread to people who have not had chickenpox. These people would get chickenpox, not shingles.

The most common symptoms of shingles include:

  • Painful skin that turns into a rash
  • A rash of red, painful blisters
  • Rash often occurs only on one side of the body
  • Blisters that break open, then scab over
  • Fever, headache, chills
  • Abdominal discomfort

Shingles and its symptoms typically get better over time. Medicine may be given to reduce pain. Antiviral medicines, like acyclovir , may be given to help the symptoms go away faster.

Possible complications include long-term nerve pain. Other complications are lesson common, but serious, such as blindness, deafness, paralysis of the face, and death.

What Is Herpes Zoster Vaccine?

This vaccine is a live, weakened form of the chickenpox virus. It is given as a shot under the skin.

الذين ينبغي الحصول على تطعيم و متى ؟

The vaccine is recommended for adults aged 60 years and older. One dose is typically given.

What Are the Risks Associated With the Herpes Zoster Vaccine?

  • Common, minor side effects: local soreness, swelling, or itching
  • Less common, moderate side effects: headache
  • Severe allergic complications: anaphylaxis (rare)

الذي لا ينبغي الحصول على تطعيم ؟

You should not get the vaccine if you:

  • Have a weakened immune systems due to :
    • Medicines, including cancer treatment
    • HIV or AIDS
  • Have cancer, such as leukemia or lymphoma
  • Have an allergy to gelatin or neomycin
  • Have a moderate or severe illness
  • Are or may be pregnant

What Other Ways Can Shingles Be Prevented Besides Vaccination?

You cannot get shingles if you have never had chickenpox. However, you may get a severe case of chickenpox. If you had chickenpox, you are at risk for shingles. This is because the virus stays in your body. Getting the vaccine can تقليل المخاطر الخاصة بك.

ماذا يحدث في حالة تفشي?

Shingles can be passed to others. It causes chickenpox in people who have not had the disease or the vaccine. These people should get the chickenpox vaccine.

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