
Botulinum toxin is made from a type of bacteria. It is toxic to the nerves. Another name for it is bacterial neurotoxin. An injection puts this toxin into muscle. There, it blocks the chemical signal from the nerves to muscles. This will decrease the muscle contraction (tightening).

There are several types and brands of this toxin. Examples include Botox, Dysport, and Reloxin, which are formulations of botulinum toxin type A. Myobloc is another brand, but it is a formulation of botulinum toxin type B. These products are used for cosmetic and medical reasons.

مستحضرات التجميل حقن توكسين البوتولينوم

This injection process is often called botox injection, although any brand of the botulinum toxin may be used.

أسباب هذا الإجراء

This is most commonly used as a treatment to smooth wrinkles on the face and neck. It is FDA-approved for the treatment of frown lines between the brows.

المضاعفات المحتملة

Complications are rare. When they occur, they are temporary and mild. Side effects are related to the site of injection. For example, if injections take place near the eyes, there may be complications with eyelids or the brow line.

Temporary issues may include:

  • احمرار
  • كدمات
  • Stinging around the injection sites

The following are less common reactions. They are generally mild and do not last long.

  • الغثيان
  • تعب
  • Flu -like symptoms
  • الصداع

Other complications that may occur include:

  • Excessive weakness of the muscle around the eyes—can cause drooping of the eyelids or obstruction of vision
  • Difficulty swallowing—can occur in patients receiving injections in their neck
FDA Public Health Advisory for Botulinum Toxin
There is a risk that the botulinum toxin could spread beyond the injection area. This can cause botulism symptoms, including difficulty breathing and death. These symptoms appear to be more common in children with cerebral palsy who receive the injection to treat spasticity. The warning is for Botox , Botox Cosmetic, Myobloc , and Dysport. For more information, please visit:http://www.fda.gov/NewsEvents/Newsroom/PressAnnounce…ts/ucm175013.htm.
  • This procedure may worsen nerve or muscle disorders, such as:
    • ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis)
    • الوهن العضلي الوبيل

The toxin can also interact with medicines, such as antibiotics. Tell your doctor about all of the medicines that you are taking.

You should not have botox if you:

  • Have an infection or inflammation in the area where botox will be injected
  • Are sensitive to the ingredients in botox
  • Are pregnant or breastfeeding

ما يمكن توقعه


Most often, none is given. Some patients may prefer to have the area numbed for comfort. In this case, a topical anesthetic may be used.

وصف الإجراء

A thin needle will be used. The doctor will inject the toxin through the skin into the targeted muscle. You will often need several injections in a small area.

بعد العملية

There is very little recovery needed, but remember to:

  • Remain upright for several hours
  • Avoid alcohol

كم من الوقت سيستغرق ؟

The length will depend on the number of sites involved. It is often less than 20 minutes.

هل ستسبب الالم؟

You may have some minimal discomfort.

رعاية ما بعد العملية

Normal activities may be resumed after the procedure. For the best recovery, follow your doctor’s instructions .

The toxin temporarily weakens targeted muscles. The treatment lasts up to four months. With repeated use, the effects may last longer.

استدعاء الطبيب

بعد وصوله الى المنزل ، اتصل بطبيبك إذا كان أي من الحالات التالية:

  • صعوبة في التنفس
  • صعوبة في البلع
  • Difficulty speaking
  • Severe lower eyelid droop or obstructed vision
  • Excessive weakness around the injection site
  • Rash or any other sign of an allergic reaction

في حالة الطوارئ ، اتصل على المساعدة الطبية على الفور.

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