
Dupuytrens contracture is a thickening and shortening of the fascia in the palm of the hand. The fascia is a firm tissue that lies just below the skin. This condition causes affected fingers to curl towards the palm and makes extension of these fingers difficult or impossible.

انكماش دوبوترين


The exact cause of Dupuytrens contracture is unknown. For some people, the condition is inherited.

عوامل الخطر

عامل الخطر هو الشيء الذي يزيد من فرصتك في الإصابة بمرض أو حالة.

  • Age: 40 and over
  • الجنس : ذكر
  • A parent with Dupuytrens contracture
  • مدمن كحول
  • الصرع
  • Use of certain anticonvulsant medications for epilepsy
  • مرض الكبد
  • التدخين
  • مرض السكري


At first, symptoms are mild, but they may become progressively worse. The rate of progression varies among people.

The ring finger is usually affected first, followed by the little finger, then the index, and long finger. Fingers on either or both hands can be affected. The first sign of this condition is a nodule in the palm near the base of a finger. A nodule is a small thickening of the fascia under the skin. In some cases, nodules can be sensitive to touch. Generally, though, this condition is not painful.

As a contracture progresses, the nodule becomes a thickened fibrous cord that extends into the finger under the skin. As the cord thickens and shortens, the affected finger is pulled (curled) in towards the palm. It becomes difficult or impossible to extend the finger.


The doctor will ask about your symptoms and medical history. A hand examination will be done. In some cases, x-rays may be taken as well.


No treatment is necessary when symptoms are mild and do not effect normal use of the hand. In other cases, treatment may include:


Surgery is most effective when the condition is still in the nodule stage.

Depending on how far the condition has progressed, surgery may involve:

Exercise Therapy After Surgery

This is usually needed to restore full range of motion and use of the repaired finger(s).

Dupuytrens contracture can recur after surgery.

Injected Medication

Injecting corticosteroids into nodules during early stages of the condition can sometimes:

  • Delay the progressive worsening of the condition
  • Ease any tenderness that may be present in the nodules

Another medicine that can be injected is called collagenase clostridium histolyticum (Xiaflex). This biologic drug breaks down the thickened tissue in the hand.

If you are diagnosed with Dupuytrens contracture, follow your doctor’s instructions .


There are no guidelines to prevent Dupuytrens contracture. Its cause is unknown. However, treatment is made easier and more effective with early detection.

الكلمات الدالة :

Dupuytrens Contracture Definition, Dupuytrens Contracture Causes, Dupuytrens Contracture Symptoms, Dupuytrens Contracture Complications, Dupuytrens Contracture Surgery Cost in India, Dupuytrens Contracture Treatment Hospital in India, Dupuytrens Contracture Treatment in India, Dupuytrens Contracture Doctors in India, Dupuytrens Contracture Meaning in Hindi, Dupuytrens Contracture Meaning in Bengali, Dupuytrens Contracture Meaning in Arabic, Dupuytrens Contracture Treatment cost in 2024, Dupuytrens Contracture Hospital in India, Dupuytrens Contracture Treatment Near Me, dupuytren’s contracture pathophysiology, dupuytren’s contracture ppt, dupuytren’s contracture treatment, causes of dupuytren’s contracture, dupuytren’s contracture life expectancy, dupuytren’s contracture in liver disease, dupuytren’s contracture differential diagnosis, dupuytren’s contracture exercises pdf

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