عيش الحياة على أكمل وجه في السعادة

If you take care of your liver, you will not only burn more fat, but you will feel the best you’ve ever felt emotionally too! It’s a win-win!

Most people know that Alcohol is bad for your liver. Not that many people know that eating while your liver is trying to break down alcohol is the true cause for storing tons of fat. Alcohol is a poison. It’s your liver’s job to filter anything we consume and either use it for good, or send it out of the body. Since alcohol is a poison, your liver gets to work on it right away. Everything else takes a back seat, or in other words, will cause tons of fat to be stored.

Imagine yourself in this situation. How would you feel if you were sitting at your desk and every two minutes your boss walks over with papers for you to read through and file in a specific order. Now after just about 10 minutes, the work starts piling up so bad that you really starting to stress and feel overwhelmed. After 20 minutes you’re about ready to quit.

Instead of quitting, you decide its best to just make a big pile of papers store them anywhere, and get to them whenever. This is an analogy for what it’s like when you overeat, drink alcohol and eat, eat processed foods, or eat foods not easily digested. If your liver gets over worked or stressed out consistently, not only will you store lots of fat, you will feel lethargic and suffer from anxiety.

Next time you get nervous, feel anxiety, or even get some happy butterflies, notice what part of the body you feel it in. You might think it’s your stomach that’s acting up, but it’s not, it’s your liver! When you get nervous or anxiety, chemical reactions are taking place in the liver and that’s why you feel weird in your stomach region.

The chemical reactions going on between the brain and the liver is what gives that dreaded feeling of anxiety. Sometimes its your thoughts that can cause the feeling, and sometimes it’s because of what you have been putting in your body. In other words, half the time anxiety starts in the head, and half the time it starts because of what you’ve just eaten. Just ask yourself, have you ever gotten anxiety after eating a meal? Over eating and or eating foods hard to digest can be a major cause of anxiety!

Here are 7 tips to keeping your liver happy, feeling amazing, and burning more fat:

  1. First thing in the morning before you eat anything, drink warm water with a fresh squeezed lemon in it. This will help clean out the liver, alkalize your body, and get your body ready for food digestion!
  2. Drink water with lemon any time of day, all day!
  3. Drink a “Super Green” powdered supplement on an empty stomach. A super green drink has some of the best ingredients from all around the world in one serving. These ingredients work together to not only clean you out, alkalize your body, but they are used all over your body to give your cells tons of energy, life, and fat burning power!! It is very liver friendly!
  4. Apple cider vinegar mixed with water will also clean out your liver and kidneys causing you and your liver to become friends again!
  5. Eat lots of different fruits and veggies daily, and stick to diet rich in natural nutritious foods .
  6. Avoid processed foods, and foods loaded with preservatives. In other words, foods meant to last on a shelf for a long time. This includes bread! Choose freshly baked bread with no preservatives.
  7. Drink LOTS of fresh purified water every day, all day!! Make it a habit. You cannot drink enough at one time to be good for the rest of the day. Sipping water all day will help your body stay cleaner and function a lot better. By your brain and body functioning better, you will have more energy and be more clear headed all day!

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