What Is Yellow Fever?

Yellow fever is a virus that is transmitted to humans through mosquito bites.

Risk factors for getting yellow fever include traveling to an area where Yellow fever is present.

Symptoms for yellow fever include:

  • High fever
  • Chills and muscle aches
  • Jaundice (yellowing of the skin)
  • Vomiting
  • Headache
  • Backache

More serious complications include:

  • Shock
  • Bleeding
  • Liver failure
  • Kidney failure

Treatment involves taking care of the infected person while they recover. There is no medicine to treat the illness.

Illness from yellow fever varies from a self-limited illness to hemorrhagic fever, which can be very severe and lead to death.

What Is the Yellow Fever Vaccine?

The vaccine is a weakened, live form of the yellow fever virus. The vaccine is created by growing the live virus in a lab. The vaccine is administered by a shot.

Who Should Get Vaccinated and When?

The following individuals should get vaccinated:

  • All individuals aged 9 months to 59 years who are traveling to or living in a place where yellow fever is present such as certain parts of South America and Africa
  • People who work in labs and may be exposed to yellow fever

Travelers should be vaccinated at least 10 days before departure.

The vaccine lasts for 10 years. Every 10 years, a booster is required if you are at risk for contracting yellow fever.

What Are the Risks Associated With Yellow Fever Vaccine?

Common minor side effects include:

  • Fever
  • Soreness, swelling, or redness at the injection site
  • Muscle aches

Rare, serious side effects include:

  • Nervous system reaction
  • Severe allergic reaction
  • Organ failure

Who Should Not Get Vaccinated?

The vaccine should not be given to:

  • Infants aged six months or younger—In rare cases when your 6-8 month-old baby must travel to high-risk areas, talk to the doctor about the vaccine.
  • People over the age of 60 are at higher risk for serious complications. If you are traveling to an area of yellow fever risk, consult an infectious disease specialist to find out if vaccination is a good choice for you.
  • People who:
    • Are severely allergic to eggs, chicken, or gelatin
    • Have a disease that weakens the immune system, such as HIV —If you are traveling to high-risk areas, talk to your doctor about the vaccine.
    • Are receiving treatments that weaken the immune system, such as cancertreatment
    • Have cancer
    • Have problems with the thymus or have had their thymus removed
    • Are pregnant (theoretical risk to the developing fetus)—Talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of the vaccine if you are traveling to a high-risk area. If you are vaccinated, your doctor may use a blood test to confirm immunity.
    • Are breastfeeding—If you are traveling to high-risk areas, talk to your doctor about the vaccine.

What Other Ways Can Yellow Fever Be Prevented Besides Vaccination?

To decrease your chance of getting yellow fever, do the following:

  • Use insect repellent.
  • Wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants.
  • Stay in screened areas.

What Happens in the Event of an Outbreak?

An outbreak of yellow fever in the United States is unlikely since the virus is not geographically present in this country. But in the event of an outbreak, uninfected people would be vaccinated and precautions would be taken to reduce transmission.

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